Sunday, February 24, 2008

The IsoBreathing Newsletter

Dont forget to sign up for the IsoBreathing Newsletter. Your e-mail address will be for the IsoBreathing Newsletter only and will not be given or sold to anyone. (Don't forget you can easily opt out at any time with no questions)

Each month I have a number of guest writers that will be giving you valuable information each month. The guest writers will vary as will the information. I will be keeping with the theme of fitness and stress reduction. I wanted all of you to have a taste of what else is out there.

I am always looking for your input so I can better my site, program and newsletter so let me here from you. I can be reached at or 1-866-674-7896. If you have been following the IsoBreathing program then let me here from you. I am using an individual each month as a Spot-Light- Client. You dont have to be at your end goal to let me know how you are doing and to become a Spot-Light- Client. As always looking forward to hearing from you.

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