Monday, August 18, 2008

back from vacation

It has been awhile since I have written anything. I have been on a fantastic 3 week much needed vacation. For my 30th anniversary my husband and I took a 12 day cruise visiting the Mediterranean and spent an additional 5 days in Italy. We were kept very busy with a different port each day. Talk about hectic schedules. I came home and needed another vacation plus I had major jet lag.

In October my newsletter will be about how to lose weight on a cruise. Most individuals do gain weight- my clients and myself included ended up losing weight. Yes I did eat and no I did not live in the gym. Actually I only visited the gym once.

Today I am going to write about do you believe everything you read. As a business professional I do check out my listings and standings on line. Almost every day I see two specific programs We know diets and Sensational diets. They are paying for advertising and they have write ups about the various programs out there. I did get a kick reading what they wrote about IsoBreathing. Of course they did not read all my pages and they did assume a lot. The biggest thing that I got a kick with was that I was not selling their weight loss products, so of course my program can not possible work. Personally I do not believe in taking any diet enhancement or supplements and yes I do read a lot of articles and scientific information on the herbal supplements and other pills, powders, and liquids that are available for weight loss.

I believe in the old fashioned weight loss method- watch your portion sizing with food, get in some form of strength training and some form of aerobic activity every day. The IsoBreathing program is geared toward those individuals that need a starting place. I have been called the Kindergarten of exercise programs. You need to start somewhere and you need to wake up the next morning feeling good and be aware that you worked out but not sore and charley horse so you can barely get out of bed.

Yes there are many theories out there and each trainer will tell you something different. I am sorry but the old saying no pain no gain –well I guess I am too old to want to wake up sore. Who would want to get out of bed sore and then put yourself through the same grueling routine again just knowing that you are going to be sore the next day again.

When my children were younger I had a neighbor that had a difficult time getting back to the gym. I asked her why and her answer was -I know that I am going to be sore for awhile and I just cant get myself to get started knowing that. I asked her why she needed to be sore and she told me no pain no gain. What could I say but ok. If I woke up sore why would I want to go back to the gym and put myself through the same thing again. I am sorry when I was in my early 20’s I did do that. If you could touch a muscle group with your finger and you didn’t say ouch you did not work out hard enough. So I have been there and done that. I like to think that I have gotten wiser with age. I still workout and get quite a good workout but feel good and energized when I am finished not exhausted.

Before starting any program do your research. Read up on the varied programs that you want to get involved In. I do encourage variety and that is what one of my other articles in ezine is about. Variety is a must.

So I am now almost 100% back from major jet lag and I should be writing more often.

Don’t forget to sign up for the IsoBreathing newsletter. You will find additional articles in the newsletter.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

From the Radio Show

First I had a blast being the host on WGSO 990 am talk radio. During my segment on childhood obesity - I received a call asking for easy recipes for kids and parents for cooking together.
I am going to give you some of my kids favorites.

Shelly's Easy Mashed potatoes

1 frozen box of Spinach or broccoli- (stick in the microwave and cook- then drain off extra liquid)
low fat cheese 1/2 cup
You can use baking potatoes or do what I did and use instant- Follow the recipe on the box for 6 servings. and use milk in the mix.
When the potatoes are cooked add in the cooked spinach or broccoli
Mix in the cheese and Use 1/2 cup save a drop for the top of mixture

When all is mixed together bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes or until the top is golden

First serve some cut up veggies then a single serving size of the potatoes.

Becky's Chicken

Chicken breast cut in bite size pieces
bread crumbs
Italian dressing low fat or egg whites work just as well

place chicken in dressing or egg whites and then in the breadcrumbs

place on baking sheet and bake 350 for 20-25 minutes

Serve with salad and or veggies

This is a starting point
I will be happy to continue to add in more recipes


Sunday, June 29, 2008

I am a finalist

Im a finalist

I am very excited to say that I am a finalist to become a radio hostess for WGSO 990 am In Southeastern Louisiana. The bulk of the show will be about health and fitness but I am also very well versed in networking because of BNI. I will be on July 2nd from 2-5 pm central time. I will have 3-4 guests the first being a psychologist, the second being an executive director for BNI and the 3rd is an organizer. I may also have one of the directors of the American Heart Association.

I do hope that I am able to get this because I want to be able to educate everyone on health and fitness issues and also networking. If other areas come up then I will make sure that I become well versed in those areas also.

If you are available you can go to and click on listen. Dont hesitate to call in.

See you then

Friday, June 20, 2008


Hi all,
It has been quite awhile since I have written. Lots has been happening. The latest news is I auditioned for a radio host position with station WGSO 990 am. How cool will that be to be a radio host. I already have a list of individuals that would love to be guests. That list is actually 3 years long if it is a weekly show.

I have been busy writing articles and keeping up with IsoBreathings monthly newsletter. I have also been busy with speaking engagements which I love. I am trying to keep up with all my meetings with individuals for networking and my volunteering at the Samaritan center.

I am trying to take time almost every day to sit in my backyard and enjoy the flowers that are growing and the birds singing. It is so cool to watch the birds bathe in the small bird bath that I have. I need to remember to keep filling it with water. This heat does dry it out quickly.

I will try and get back to writing more often- isnt it amazing how time just flys by and you cant find the time to do what you really want to do.

Keep on moving and dont just BREATHE- IsoBreathe

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I am getting ready to head out to a 3 day conference. I will be sitting in a room for 8 hours a day for the next 3 days. I am sure that most of you have been in this situation. What do you do during the small breaks? Mostly everyone goes for the coffee and the sugary snacks. Oh dont forget the networking.

Here are some suggestions that I personally do just to keep the blood flowing during the lectures.
1. I bring my own healthier snacks. I pack almonds and dried fruit or some of the healthier protein bars.
2. After sitting for an hour or two it is time for some stretching.
3. I drink lots of water

Here are some of the basic stretches that I do.
For the lower back I sit back in the chair and extend my arms out to touch my knees. My elbows are straight. I round my upper back and relax my lower back (pelvic tilt) and drop my chin to my chest and then try to reach over my knees.

If I am standing I place my palms on my lower back to support it with my fingers facing the floor. I am standing with my feet hip distance apart. I slowly lean back. I dont recommend going too far back. This will depend on your flexibility. Stay safe with this one.

I also perform some of my basic isometric exercises during the lectures.

Hands under the table in front of me and lift up. Elbows are tucked into my sides. If there is no table I rest one palm on top of the other palm and the bottom hand lifts and the top hand pushes down. My elbow is tucked into my side when doing this and then I switch hands.

I also perform an isometric for the triceps. My arms are down at my sides and I tighten them keeping my shoulders relaxed. I then push back not allowing my hands to go past my backside. I make believe that I am pushing against a wall.

I also perform an isometric for the inner thigh by squeezing my thighs together or keep my hands between my knees and push on them.

I also perform an isometric for the outer thigh placing my hands on the outer thigh and pushing against my hand.

That is just a start of what I do.

When meetings start early morning and go through dinner you are overwhelmed with so much information that it does exhaust the brain and the body. That is why I perform these isometric exercises through out the day to help the body keep on moving.

Hope this helps for your next conference.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

ASK Ellen

I have been thinking about an Ask Ellen section in the newsletter where individuals such as yourself can e-mail me and ask a question and have it answered in the newsletter. I already have those asking for snippits with problem areas and that is where you tube comes in handy. So far I have been adding in 2 per week. Let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Walking- but not just walking

Walking every day can help you: prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, it will reduce blood pressure, body fat, prevent bone loss and osteoporosis, it will increase your energy levels, reduce stress and improve your mood.

10,000 steps is equivalent to approximately 5 miles. WOW!!! Sounds like a lot. Where do I begin?

Purchase your pedometer – set it for your strides

DAY 1: Your first day go about your normal business and at the end of the day record how many steps you took. Most individuals take 2000 to 3500 steps in a day.

DAY 2: As soon as you wake up zero your pedometer and put it on. Go about your daily activity again. By 3 pm see how many steps you have accumulated. Remember yesterday’s number? If you are not close to that number you need to start walking a little extra. If you are ahead of yesterday’s number keep on going. Before you go to sleep write that number down.

Day 3: Zero you pedometer and put it on first thing in the morning. What ever your last number was try to beat it by an additional 500 steps. (even if you are at 10,000 steps). My personal goal is 15,000 to 20,000 steps a day. It just makes you feel good so start moving.

Day 4 and 5: Those additional steps that you added in yesterday hold on to that and don’t go any higher. Let the body get used to it.

Day 6: Try and add in another 500 steps.

Your goal is to try and add in 500 steps every 3 days until you hit the 10,000 steps. Hold at that 10.000 steps for a few weeks and then try and add in another 500 steps. You always want to challenge your body.

Suggestions on how you can add in more steps. Instead of phoning your colleague down the hall, walk over to their office. If someone offers to bring you a cup of coffee, go with them instead. If there is a short cut or a long way to get somewhere, take the long way

Don’t forget that this is the total amount of steps at the end of the day not one walking session.

A person who walks 10,000 steps per day burns approximately 2000 to 3500 extra kilocalories per week. That can add up to 1 pound per week. Yes it is a lot of work to take off one pound per week but there are no magic bullets out there. Make it fun and walk with a friend or walk your pets. Choose a picturesque setting or listen to music with a beat.

Just start moving!!!

My talk with McDonalds

Wow what an experience. I spoke yesterday to a wonderful group of individuals. This talk was for for Asian, Latin group. They were celebrating Cinco de Mayo. The room was decorated very festive with lots of wonderful food. I spoke about balancing life, work and self. I spoke about three specific stresses and how to get rid of the little stresses. I gave a demonstration of varied exercises, proper posture, breathing and we concluded with total body relaxation. They then cleared the chairs and taught Salsa dancing. What fun!!! This group of individuals does know how to have a good time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

when was the last time you skipped

I woke up today full of energy and feeling great. I went for my walk and wore my heart rate monitor. I try to take different walking paths otherwise it gets really boring. Today I went on one of my regular paths but I had too much energy for just fast walking. I had some great music on and I felt like a kid. I remembered how much fun I used to have when I was skipping. I tried it. WOW!!!!! It felt great and my heart rate shot right up there. I went back to walking and did that through out my walk today. Yes I did get some strange stares but I had a great smile on my face and had a blast.

I highly recommend you try skipping to break up your walking routine. Do not skip if you have bad ankles or knees. If you are not sure just try a few skipping steps and see how you feel. I was able to get in several intervals. Let me tell you that the IsoBreathing helped me tremendously. You will get out of breath very quickly but then slow down to your fast walk and when your heart rate feels almost back to normal that is when it is time to take it up again.

Do Not Forget To Stretch afterwards. You will need to rotate your ankles, stretch your shins by pointing your toes toward the ground, get in a calf stretch and dont forget to stretch your hip flex ors. That is a calf stretch with a pelvic tilt.
Till next time just keep on moving.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tighten your bottom in less than 2 minutes per day

Wouldn't it be great to tighten your bottom in less than 2 minutes a day. Well you can. You can even do this while brushing your teeth in the morning. Your stance will be one hand on the counter for balance and the other hand brushing your teeth. Your feet are hip distance apart and toes are facing forward. You are going to get into an extremely modified squat position. Your backside is back and your knees are over your ankles. Keep your ribcage elevated.Do not bend the knees a lot. I am talking about extremely modified. You are going to raise your body up and down very slightly. The emphasis is in the heals of your feet. You will now be working your hamstring muscles and your backside. The movement is a maximum of 1 inch. I am going to place a segment on you tube of this so you will have a visual. Look up isobreathing-tighten your bottom in less than 2 minutes a day. Don't forget to breathe but dont choke if you are brushing your teeth.

Monday, April 28, 2008

It has been awhile

Like everyone else it has been awhile since I entered anything. Working 2 jobs takes it toll. I am back and hope to post as least once a week.

The weather is getting warmer and this is the time of year for gardening and wanting to be outside. In Mays newsletter I talk about a hand full of stretches for gardeners. (so dont forget to sign up for the free newsletter)

Try and get some walking in this month. If you dont already have a pedometer I suggest getting one. They are inexpensive and come in real handy to see how much movement you are really getting in. The next blog will be about your 10,000 steps and how to achieve them. For now just keep on moving.

I received an e-mail from and individual who has a walking partner and is frustrated because her partner walks too slow. I told her to do what I did. Get your walk in first and then join her and consider that your cool down. this happened to me and a very good friend. I did enjoy our walks together but I needed more. Remember as a female you have that tendency to be a care giver BUT... you come first. You have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of everyone else.

You can challenge your friend to walk faster but in this case this individual told me that she didnt want to walk faster.

As far as time goes- time is very precious to everyone. If you have only 10 minutes use those 10 minutes for your faster walk then meet up with your friend. If you dont have the time then choose 1-2 days per week for you to walk by yourself. Have come fun music to get you moving and use the other days to walk with your friend.

If you are looking to lose weight then you need to change up your walking routine to a faster pace. The other alternative is to walk fast for 30 seconds and then take Three minutes at your regular pace. Then go back to 30 seconds at the faster pace. see if you can do that through out your walk( If you just walk faster your shins will become sore) take it slowly and and soon enough your will be able to add an additional 15 seconds of faster walking every time you walk.

Over time your entire walk will be faster paced. BE CAREFUL... I always see individuals over striding which takes its toll on your lower back and knees. Start with your normal stride and as you pick up your pace your step stride should be shortened not lengthened. Your hips should be swaying side to side. Your arms should be relaxed by your sides but slightly bent at your elbows. Your body will automatically have your arms slightly swinging.

If you hold on to hand weights make sure that the weights are very light. I have seen and heard of lots of shoulder and neck problems from using heavier weights and trying to speed walk.

Well get your sneakers on and start moving if you dont already do so and if you already walk well... keep on moving.
Till next time

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Helpful Hints and exercise of the day

A few simple tips:
1. think of where you want to be (realistically)
2. write it down. If it is written it sends a message to the brain that it is real
3. imagine yourself at your goal weight or size
4 write a positive statement including your goal. I look fabulous at size -
5 If you truly imagine yourself at your goal it will send a message to your brain and this is what will eventually happen
A. you will start to think - I am at my goal weight what would I eat at my goal weight. You will then start to watch what you put into your mouth and how much of it will you eat.
B. I never believed in DIET just healthier and smarter choices
C. I am at my goal weight so how much aerobic activity do I need to stay here
D. I am at my goal weight so how many times a week should I be strength training and and for how long.
E. How much water should I be drinking to stay hydrated and to keep that fuller feeling in my belly.

These are just a few of the things that I go over with my clients and this seems to help them out quite a bit.
Personally I do this every day and it does help me to maintain what I have achieved. Minus 65 pounds and keeping it off for over 25 years.

Yes at one point I had weight to lose also. Yes I set my mind to what I wanted and Yes I had my ups and downs. To this day it is still the few 2-5 pounds but I wont let it get over the 5 pounds.

I do eat lots of salads, fruit, dairy and fish. There is actually lots that you can do to eat well and stay healthy.

Are you in the car often and stuck in traffic or lots of traffic lights? Well if your wheels are not turning (car in motion) place your hands on either side of the steering wheel and relax your shoulders. Sit up tall and place gentle pressure on the steering wheel. If you slightly round your upper back you will feel your front shoulders and chest muscles coming into play. Once you are able to feel that then increase your intensity by pushing harder. (REMEMBER TO BE SMART AND DO NOT DO THIS IF YOUR CAR IS IN MOTION!!!!!)

If you are not in a car take the back of a chair and place your hands on either side of the chair. Same motion- sitting tall and slightly rounding your shoulders press on either side of the chair and you will feel your front shoulders and chest muscles working.

Let me know what I can do to help you out.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I was able to get my camera to work and get all the hookups working. I was able do place 2 clips onto youtube under isobreathing-abdominals and isobreathing-snippets.
Check them out and let me know your thoughts.
I did ask for suggestions on various muscle groups that you would like to see worked without having to go to the gym.
looking forward to hearing from you.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

on and on

I did get the new connections for the camera and my computer. The one end did fit my camera and I was so excited. I tried to fit it to my computer and it did not fit. Talk about frustration.

I went back to circut city to return the camera because nothing was fitting. I told the same girl how frustrated I was because I was first able to read all the directions in the booklet and understand them. (remember I stated before that my son would read the instructions and then teach me how do use varied items) Well I did it on my own and was very proud of myself.

BUT... I did return the camera and went home feeling frustrated. Later that evening my husband spoke to my son and found out that somewhere in his room he had a connection that would fit into my computer and this connection had a plug that would fit into the camera. I went and tried the computer first and the plug did fit.

I took it with me back to circuit city and of course through all of this the same girl was behind the counter. I tried to go different times so I would not run into the same individuals. She smiled and laughed and said your back.

I had the new plug with me and said that I needed to try the camera one more time because my son said that this connection would fit. OH MY GOSH it did fit the camera. The expression on both of our faces was pure joy.

I did repurchase the camera and I am a happy camper. Now all I need to do is figure out how to put what I filmed onto the computer. As soon as I do I will let you know.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another Exciting Day- and -Stretch of the day

I wanted to let you know that I went back to Circuit City and returned the connector that did not fit my computer. I went prepared with my computer and the new camera. I get to the counter and the same girl was there from last night. luckily next to her one of the managers. I returned the connector and he chimed in and stated that I had to go through the company to get the proper connections. I did thank him and went home to order the proper connector. Now if they told me this from the beginning my life would have been so much easier.

Last night I spoke to my daughter who has been involved on myspace for a few years now helped me to revise my pages. Wow what a difference. I am glad that she knows what she is doing. Thanks Rebecca.

I decided that I needed to write a few articles so I am getting to work on that. There are a few magazines that I have contacted and they said yes so all I need to do now is put the pen to work. I will let you know what magazines will publish what articles and post them here.

I have been on the computer for quite a while each day now and can truly understand those that are behind a desk all day. FOR TODAY I am going to post the STRETCH of the day:

This is for those behind a computer or desk for hours on end. Sit comfortably in your chair. Your legs are uncrossed. allow your lower back to sink into your chair or another words perform a pelvic tilt. Reach your arms out front and round your upper back. Relax your chin to your chest and try to reach your fingers across the room. You will feel a stretching in your upper back, lower back, and neck. this should all be very comfortable. Hold this position for a few slow deep breaths and you will find your tight muscles relaxing.
This stretch can be performed a number of times during the day.

Have an IsoBreathing Day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Read Carefully- just another frustration from another company

As a business person I do check out the search engines often. I found this written on The Diet List and it is also on We Know Diets. I wonder if it is the same company because they are both pushing the Herbal Supplements which is what I do not believe in. I have tried a few times to contact them and there is no contact information with either of these sites. Gee how stupid am I to get frustrated at what they write. Well I figure if I write out what is frustrating me then it makes this real and then I can let it go. This is what was written in their diet and lifestyle section.

Diet Lifestyle
IsoBreathing® only requires 10 minutes out of a person’s day to perform, and since it is available on CD and DVD, people may perform the workouts in the comfort of their own homes. Though, again, we are not confident that a simple 10-minute breathing exercise performed daily may lead to weight loss.

Those who are serious about weight loss may prefer to look into a program that focuses on both dieting and exercise. There are also herbal supplements available on the market that may support an effective diet plan by increasing fat burning and suppressing the appetite.

I love the way that they do their assessments of varied programs. The program is not just a 10 minute breathing exercise. There are actually strength training exercises that you do need to do. If they really did look at the site they would find the real answer. In the second paragraph they mention herbal supplements. For the past 28 years I have had individuals try to get me to sell supplements. I refuse.
For the past 28 years I have had individuals try to get me to sell supplements. I refuse. All they try and do is sell supplements on these sites and belittle any company that wont sell their products.
Please do not take this the wrong way if you sell supplements. I personally do not want to sell them but I always wish you the best of luck. It is just not my thing.

For those of you that have been doing the isobreathing program know differently.

I guess I get frustrated because individuals do read this garbage and believe it. If the program didnt work why would I waste my time trying to promote it. It is my reputation on the line and I will defend it. The testimonials that you do read on my site are from my clients. Some locally and others from across the states and some from other parts of the world.

The biggest irritating thing they write about is how can you possible get results in one week. The simple answer to that is changing your eating habits. In volume 1 the pull out nutrition chart is included. If you cut back on your portion sizing and eat healthier, and start performing some exercise you will lose weight. Proper body positioning will also help you obtain results quicker. You are isolating specific muscle groups and working them. You are not pulling in lower back when all your energy should be in your bicep muscle.

The whole reasoning behind the slow deep breathing is to get individuals to breathe when exercising. Most hold their breath which is not healthy. So I included the slow deep breathing with an abdominal contraction at the end of the move to work abdominals and to complete a full exhalation so that the body is ready for the next inhalation. This breathing is not meant to be aerobic. It isnt stated anywhere on my website that the breathing is aerobic. I mention that you need to perform aerobic activity on your own.

I encourage IsoBreathing volume 1 first to learn the program and proper body positioning and then volume 2 takes the advanced version and combines the exercises for a full body 10 minute workout. If any of you out there have done this you will know that by the time your 10 minutes are up you have worked the body. The aerobic portion is on your time. It is not included in the program

Ok now that I just took a slow deep breath I now feel better. When items are written it makes them real and now I will let go of this frustration.

and continues

Well the rain slowed down and I ventured to Circuit City. This time I took my computer and rewrapped new camera. When got to the counter I did get my refund for the incorrect cable. I asked about one that would fit my computer and camera and the gentleman behind the desk said oh you have to order it directly from the company. I took my camera and computer (with a smile on my face) said sorry this was not told to me last night. I ordered my part and I hope that it will come in two days. In the meantime will continue to film and hopefully get this online before the end of this week. We shall see.

The saga continues

Well I was able to sit down and read through the instructional booklet. I actually did understand most of it. Of course there are a few complications. First - it took me more than 5 minutes to figure out where the button for the mini dv to be placed into the camera went. I was then able to film and it really was fun. Then came the time to place the info from the mini dv onto my computer. I followed the directions and found that I did not have the correct cable. I went with my husband to radio shack last night and they did not have the correct connector. I went back to circuit city where I purchased the camera. The first plug that they gave me - well I was told that I had to purchase it before I could open the package to see if it would fit. I purchased the plug and it did not fit so the girl had to do a refund. Then they found another plug thing and said that they knew that this one would fit both the camera and my computer. I went home and - oh- guess what- my computer did not have that type plug. So here I am today with it pouring outside and I can not download what I want to. When the rain picks up I will go back to circuit city with camera and this time computer in hand and I will make sure that the plugs do fit or I will have to return the camera and purchase another one.

On the bright side I did get my morning work out in. I didnt let this get to me. This was not something to become stressed about. Frustrated yes but this will not make my day a bad one. It is just another little hick up in the day.

To be continued after the rain stops.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

new video camera

Ok I am now really psyched. I went out and purchased a video camera ( my sons request) to start placing little blurbs on youtube and have it available on my-space. As soon as I read the directions on how to turn it on I will start. So far I was able to charge the battery.

With my son away at school I now have to be the one to figure things out. Isnt it always easier to have some one else read the directions and you just do what they tell you. I guess I have always made excuses as to why I could not perform some task. Well now is the real test. Can I follow directions.

If you ask my husband which I have tried to help on many occasions he would say no. One time I tried to help him out in putting up a fan. Well I started without him with good intentions and put all the blades on the fan. when he walked into the room he just laughed. He told me that he had to place the fan up in the ceiling before we added on the blades. Well I tried to help and to this day he still wont let me live it down.

Maybe that is why I use the excuse I dont know how to. Well I am going to read the directions today and then ---hand it off to my daughter to place it on youtube. Ok well I am getting better one step at a time. Eventually I will learn to place the clips on youtube myself. I guess all this comuter stuff scares me. I was going to say that maybe I am too old but no I am still young at heart.

I am looking forward to adding something on a regular basis so each of you can pick up something different. Something that you never thought of doing. I have a great imagination and it will come out with each of the clips that I will be placing on youtube. See I stated that I will be placing the clips on youtube. I am just psyching myself up to do it myself.
Till then.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Busy is good

I have been so busy these past two weeks I am sure just like the rest of you. I have had three speaking engagements in the past two weeks plus 7 training sessions. The speaking engagements were a lot of fun. I always enjoy meeting new people.

Two of my speaking engagements were about stress reduction. Most of us do lead very stressful lives and I spoke about three specific stresses. First the good stresses such as the birth of a child, a wedding and yes exercise is a good stress on the body.

The next two stresses - first those stresses that we have no control over and second the stresses that we do have control over. My question to all is - Is your glass half empty or is it half full.

It depends on how you look at life. Are you full of positive energy from healthy eating, getting a good nights sleep, getting in exercise and keeping busy. If you take care of yourself and you are feeling good you tend to let the little stresses slide. You tend to think - Are they really that important to stress over. Is there something you can do to get rid of the stress. If your glass is half full you outlook on life is very different than those that keep their glasses half empty all the time.

I spoke about making your list before turning in at night. If you have numerous items that you needed to complete during the day and you didnt not complete and you have so many items that you need to complete the next day then your mind is racing like crazy at bedtime and it is not allowing your body to relax to fall asleep. If it is written down then it makes it real and you then dont have to think about it until morning. Your list isnt going anywhere.

I spoke about Total Body Relaxation with slow deep breathing and relaxing varied muscle groups. This will allow the body to relax and fall asleep.

The other business that I am involved in is BNI. It is a networking organization that teaches an individual how to network, and how to form deep relationships and eventually how to ask for business. It also teaches How to stand in front of people to speak- the number one fear is public speaking. It is this organization that I thank for teaching me all of this. Actually 75% of my business comes from this organization. You can beat that. NO COLD CALLS!!!

I help start up new chapters and I make sure that the members that are already in the groups are happy and making money. I coach area directors and assistant directors and ambassadors. I was a group this past week and was asked to speak on how to invite visitors for their visitors day. It is usually a 10 minute presentation at a chartered chapter so you can not run on and on. You need to get right to the point. I have been involved in this organization for over 5 years now and love it.

There is so much information and education that it would make your head spin. But that is good.
I do a lot of driving and I am always listening to one CD or another. Depending on the distance I need to drive I will listen to 2-3 of these fantastic CD's in a day. It is great information on lots of varied topics. If you are looking to increase your business with a Givers Gain Attitude than this organization may be for you. You can go to and find a group near you to visit. If you do go and visit then tell them Ellen sent you. You never know who you may meet.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The air is warming up here in the south and soon enough it will be bathing suit weather. Are you ready for your bathing suit? I personally stopped doing crunches over 4 years ago. I just don't like them. So what is the alternative. When I am stopped at a traffic light ---instead of waiting impatiently for the light to change I sit up tall and place both hands on top of the steering wheel and gently press down. You should then feel your abdominals engaging. Of course I start out with isometrics so just hold this position until the light changes. You are inhaling and exhaling slowly. If I am behind my desk I extend my hands out and the same thing I press down on my desk sitting up tall with my hands extended out. This will engage the abdominal muscles. Just make sure that you are keeping your shoulders down and relaxed. Otherwise your neck will tighten up. If you are either behind the desk all day or in the car you can work abdominals. It is a starting point. this can be done a number of times during the day. If you are incorporating the isobreathing style of breathing you are then working the abdominals a little more intensely.
This is by no means the only abdominal workout you should be getting it is just one of the many ways to work the abdominals. You will still need to gain strength by incorporating other exercises for the abs. This is just a little something that you can incorporate during your busy day.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Every year as the last few seconds tick away before the new year begins and the clock strikes midnight we are all thinking of new year resolutions. Those are considered your goals for the new year. In general most individuals will end up breaking those goals within the first 3 months. I want to encourage you to write down those goals. If it is written down it is then more real in the minds eye.

My goals for 2008- I wrote down one hundred and eleven of them. With in the first three weeks of the new year I was able to hit 11 of my goals. As of today I have hit 33 of my goals. If it is written you then have a better idea of what direction you want to take in life. No matter what you write down if you plug away every single day you will eventually hit all of your goals.

Some of my goals are very hefty such as having IsoBreathing a house hold word right up there with Yoga and Pilate's. I want to help millions of individuals this year change their lifestyles to a healthier one. I want to have IsoBreathing incorporated into major companies to help employees reduce their stress , better their health and be able to produce more at work with less absenteeism. I also want to have a minimum of 3 speaking engagements a month. So far I feel that I am right on target.

As it is said when trying to grow your business it is a numbers game. I have been sending out letters to companies explaining what I do and how I want to help them out. An added incentive - a portion of the proceeds that I obtain will be donated to the companies favorite charity. I will also continue to donate a portion of the proceeds to the charities that I already donate to.

For those of you reading this how can I help you to keep on track so you can obtain the results that you want to. I have my list typed out and taped on my desk right above where my computer is. this way I see my list every single day, a few times a day. I want to make sure that I am staying on track.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The secret

If you have not heard about The Secret you must see the video or read the book. It is amazing how this can change your life. It has changed mine personally and with my business. It is amazing what a positive attitude can do for you. I listen to many CD's while driving and on line. I have found that all of them state think positively.

You can control your stress and you decide what you want to be stressed about. You can take your business to the next level if you want to. You can lose weight if you really want to. You can do anything that you really want to. If you decide to set a specific goal you can reach it. You may need to figure out the way but if you keep trying eventually you will get there.

Life does not have to be stressful or full of brick walls. Start chipping away one brick at a time. Sometimes we set ourselves up for failure without even thinking about it. If you were to start with a specific goal and write it down. Then think in backwards steps what will get you there. Take it one step at a time and you will see that it may take years to get to your goal but you can get there.

I have taken a class simpleology 101. This also ended up changing my life. I was able to follow the program that they set forth and to this day I still follow many of the steps and my ultimate goal is to have IsoBreathing a house hold word like Pilate's and yoga.

I still have quite a few steps to get there but I am working on it on a daily basis. I am trying to accomplish 3-5 things per day to get me to my goal. I am thinking positively and I am pushing forward even when I get rejected. It is a numbers game and I am making sure that I am stacking the numbers in my favor.

I am writing letters each week to companies to introduce IsoBreathing and how it can help employees reduce their stress so that they can perform better at work. I also came out with a fitness program specifically for those individuals behind a desk all day. I am constantly thinking of new ideas on how I can help individuals and what can I do to have companies buy into this.

Sometimes I feel that this is painstakingly slow but I keep my chin up and take it one step at a time.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


When I wrote last it was on St. Patrick's Day. I cant believe that a whole year has gone by since my daughter has gotten married. She is still happily married and moving up in her company.

It is amazing to me that every so often she will call and let me know that - first she needed a new roof of her newly purchased town home. They found this out with a leak. They replaced the roof and then the next call was to inform me that they needed a new air conditioning unit-- it broke down in the middle of a heat wave. Months later they were away for the weekend and a pipe burst on the second floor and flooded the bottom two floors. The downstairs needed to be gutted and redone. Two days ago she call me and told me that there is a leak in the pipe that is right outside of their town home and they will need to dig up her front yard to replace that piece of pipe.

With each of these calls I tried very hard to explain to her that I understand how she feels - upset, frustrated, and stressed oh and dont forget broke with each venture. I have then tried to make all of the negatives in her life a positive. There are so many stresses out there and each and every individual can list at least 5 that they are currently under. There are many different forms of stresses but there are specifically 2 types that I concentrate on. There are those that you have no control over and there are those that you do have control over. All of the above stresses that she and her husband were going through-- she did not have any control over what happened BUT...She did have control over how she handled the situations.

When you are currently going through something there are times that you feel you have no control over it and how could you possible handle it. The best thing for you to do is find a level headed friend or loved one and talk about it. When you are currently going through a situation it will be very difficult to find a positive outcome. YOU and you alone can make the outcome positive. Life is too short to really stress about the little things.

My final words to my daughter the other day was WOW now you have a town home that you can get many many years of happiness living in. you now have A new roof, new pipes, the inside had to be redone so new paint, flooring, counter tops, and the front lawn you were not crazy about and now that can be redone too. Of course it all was very frustrating but stress plays many nasty tricks on the human body. she doesnt need high blood pressure, or for those that over eat when stressed weight gain, a lowered immune system, or headaches just to name a few. Again try real hard to find the positive in any situation and you will end up feeling better and yes down the line you will be able to actually laugh at it.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I have been hearing from lots of individuals lately that they want to lose those last few pounds or they are having a difficult time staying on track. I want to pass on some words of wisdom to help all of you. I want you to start in-visioning yourself at your final goal. If it is a specific weight or specific size that you want to get to. I want you to write down your final goal. Then I want you to write down your final goal in a short positive sentence. I look and feel fantastic at a size x or I look and feel fantastic at xxx pounds. Place this statement on your bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, next to your computer and a few other places. Then I want you to say this positive statement a number of times during the day. If you truly believe this then it will happen. You will find that you will start to change your eating habits because you will then think --if I am at my goal weight what would I eat to maintain this weight. You will find yourself watching your portion sizing, eating healthier and cutting back on the junk foods. You will also find that you will ask yourself to maintain this weight I will need to stick with working out on a regular basis. I will need to get in my aerobic activity and you will find that you will start coming up with less excuses and you will stay on track more easily. This alone has kept me on track for awhile now and it is helping my clients a lot. I know that this will work for you too. Try it for one month and let me know how it is working for you.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

American Association of University Woman

I am very excited to be speaking this Tuesday to the American Association of University Woman.
While I was at Habitat for Humanity womans build there was a woman who was helping to serve lunch and I notice her tee shirt. I waited until all were fed and then I went up to her to ask if she was part of the AAUW group. She said yes and I introduced myself. It was very exciting for me to meet her because we spoke a number of times on the phone. It is nice to put a face with the name. She also had her co president with her so when I do arrive on Tuesday I will at least see some familiar faces. That is always a comfort when walking into a room of individuals that you dont know.
I asked Jody a number of questions about the audience that will be attending and I am glad that I did. If you do go around speaking I highly recommend that you know your audience. I only had to change one aspect of my talk. The next day I dropped a Bio off at Joans home and we discussed the chair arrangement. It is nice to know how the room will be arranged, the size of the room and the acoustics. It makes for a comfortable talk.
If any of you are going to be in the area it is for 7 pm at the Mandeville City Hall. All are welcome. If you do come please come up to me and introduce yourself. I love meeting people. Hope to see you there.

Friday, March 14, 2008

continued what I am up to

I forgot to mention that IsoBreathing will be on Living in Style. This will air varied days and times starting with the 19th of March. On what was known as PAX TV the show will air Tuesday 4/1 at 5:30 pm eastern time, 4:30 pm central time,3:30 pm mountain time and 2:30 pm Pacific time. It will also air on 4/4 at 1 PM eastern time, noon central time, 11:00 am mountain time and 10:00 am pacific time.
Please let me know if you see it and what your thoughts are.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

What I have been up to

Hi everyone
I just wanted to let everyone in on what I have been up to. You know how the beginning of the year rolls around and as a business professional I set up my yearly goals. One of my goals was to volunteer in a homeless shelter. I used to do this when I lived in Florida and it was very gratifying to know that I was helping someone. Where I currently live there are no homeless shelters but there is the Samaritan center. I go in once a week and shelf the non perishables that individuals donate and fill carts for those individuals that stop by and need food for their families. I have met some wonderful individuals doing this and this is great for the sole.

I also signed myself up through BPW Business Professional Woman to help out at Habitat for Humanity. They are currently building 2 homes that are being built by woman. It was such a cool experience. I met some wonderful individuals and yes of course I was able to set myself up with another speaking engagement. When I got there the ground was muddy from the recent rains. I had a choice to under the house for insulation or up on beams to put on a roof. Well I chose the mud. I am not fond of heights. Another woman stated that she would go up and when she got to the top of the ladder she came right down. I decided there is no place like now to get over my fears. I climbed up and of course I looked down. WOW!!! Even though it is a one story home I was up high with no flooring to walk on. Only a thin 2 by 4 while holding on to the rafters. Of course I had to walk on this thin beam to the opposite end of the house. I tried not to look down holding on for dear life. I do have to say I was terrified but if the other woman up there could do it so could I. It was a great experience and Yes I did have a great time. I held on so thight with my legs as I straddled a beam to hammer on roofing boards. When it was time to get down my legs were shaking so bad from holding on so tightly. (what a great inner thigh workout.)
I did do lots of stretching for arms, lower back and inner thigh. I can say that I am very proud of myself to have gotten up there and not fallen off. In the near future when I get some time I will definitely do this again. I love my tee shirt that I was given.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Isometric exercise and proper breathing......

Title : Isometric Exercise & Proper Breathing Create A Non-Stressful Workout That Yields Results

Summary : Gentle, isometric exercise, combined with a carefully focused breathing technique facilitates quick, reliable, lasting results in a dedicated fitness program.

Article :

Gentle, isometric exercise, combined with a carefully focused breathing technique facilitates quick, reliable, lasting results in a dedicated fitness program.

You can lose more pounds and inches -- without half-killing yourself by enduring high-impact, stressful exercise routines -- simply by changing your breathing technique during a light, isometric workout. Hard to believe? Maybe so, given all the “No pain, no gain!” and “Feel the burn!” hogwash we’ve been fed for so many years – but the good news is that it’s absolutely true.

This is great news for everyone who has burned out on the “Sweat ‘til you’re dehydrated” and “Burn! Burn! Burn!” approach to exercise. Pack all that foolishness up and toss it out; it’s not necessary; it never was necessary, and it never will be necessary for an effective, successful fitness program.

Most people are unaware of how they breathe … and many are likewise unaware that their usual method of taking in oxygen is shallow, short and highly inefficient. When you’re breathing correctly and more deeply, you’re taking in more oxygen, and enabling your body to use that oxygen more efficiently. This makes it possible for your muscles to function at top capacity.

How that works with isometrics is that by increasing the oxygen supply to the brain, you’re enhancing the brain’s ability to send messages to the muscles to contract. As you contract a specific group of muscles and have a targeted focus for your breathing technique, you’re actually forging new pathways of communication between the brain and the muscles you’re working.

It’s somewhat similar to Hatha yoga – which, in itself, is a kind of isometric exercise because you hold certain postures while you breathe deeply and slowly through the nose. But Hatha yoga isn’t specifically focused on physical fitness, whereas the combination of targeted isometric exercise plus a proper breathing technique is.

A training DVD combining isometric exercises and proper breathing technique can easily and quickly show you how to combine the two for reliable, lasting results, enhancing your fitness program and making it work even harder for you – while you don’t have to work any harder at all.

The combination of a proper breathing technique and targeted isometric exercises has the effect of making your body a more efficient, effective machine. One well-known isometrics instructor tells of a client who had broken her leg and couldn’t leave her couch. Within a week, she had lost two inches by utilizing this system, without changing her eating habits or anything else. Granted, the story is anecdotal … but the instructor had her client measure herself both at the beginning and end of the week of using the breathing technique along with targeted isometric exercises that could be done while sitting on the sofa, and the two-inch loss was documented.

With an isometric exercise DVD that also incorporates training in proper, targeted breathing, you can speed up your fitness program dramatically … and while you’re doing so, you won’t be over-extending yourself physically … won’t be over-working your muscles … won’t wear yourself out or feel any discomfort. It’s one exercise system that’s “no pain, all gain.”

Thursday, February 28, 2008


THEY ARE HERE!!!!! The CD powerpoint presentation Exercise for the Office and the DVD Stretches for Knitters and Crocheters are ready and on the website for purchase.
So far the individuals using these new products have given lots of positive feedback.

So if you know anyone stuck behind a desk all day and can not get get to the gym this is a great way to get in exercise. If you know an individual who performs some kind of needle work or craft and they are tired and achey with sore muscles the stretches for knitters and crocheters are just for them.

And last but not least there will be a new Inspirational CD that should be ready by the end of next week. This will help keep those individuals on track with their weight loss programs.

Thanks and Have An IsoBreathing Day!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The IsoBreathing Newsletter

Dont forget to sign up for the IsoBreathing Newsletter. Your e-mail address will be for the IsoBreathing Newsletter only and will not be given or sold to anyone. (Don't forget you can easily opt out at any time with no questions)

Each month I have a number of guest writers that will be giving you valuable information each month. The guest writers will vary as will the information. I will be keeping with the theme of fitness and stress reduction. I wanted all of you to have a taste of what else is out there.

I am always looking for your input so I can better my site, program and newsletter so let me here from you. I can be reached at or 1-866-674-7896. If you have been following the IsoBreathing program then let me here from you. I am using an individual each month as a Spot-Light- Client. You dont have to be at your end goal to let me know how you are doing and to become a Spot-Light- Client. As always looking forward to hearing from you.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Coming in March

I am very excited to let all of you know that I am going to have another DVD and a CD ready for you. The DVD will be specifically for those individuals that Knit and Crochet. This came to me after my friend Marjorie Weiner asked me to show her some stretches for some sore achy muscles after long periods of sitting and knitting.

I already spoke to her knitting group and they loved the stretches So I am going to have this available to all of you that knit and crochet. I use it myself as a fellow knitter and crocheter.

The next CD is going to be in a power point presentation specifically for those individuals that work in an office all day and can not find the time to get to the gym to work out or can not find time during the day and are too tired once you get home. No equipment is needed you will use what you have at the office..

Sunday, January 20, 2008


IsoBreathing is currently in the process of obtaining official research with a major university. As soon as all the details are worked out the information will appear on this blog and on the IsoBreathing site.