Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I am now also located on myspace at: www.myspace.com/Isobreathing

See you there!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Too busy to exercise try these

We are all busy and think of every excuse under the sun why we don't have time to take care of ourselves. Here are a few hints that may help. In volume 1 you learn to work outer thigh, hamstring curls and leg extensions while standing. I personally keep my band in the bathroom. While I am brushing my teeth (the electric toothbrush is timed for 2 minutes) I place my band on my ankles and work those three muscle groups. I do use full range of motion BUT... I still keep perfected body positioning which is extremely important. I will complete a slow 10 repetitions for each leg for each exercise. By the time I am finished my legs do feel like they have gotten a good workout and those three exercises I do not have to think of them again. Then you can incorporate the other exercises that I have written up while you are in the car to start working your upper body.
What most individuals do not realize is that you can break up your workout during the day. It is what did you accomplish by the end of the day.

Friday, August 10, 2007

exercise of the Day Friday

Here is another exercise to help you when you are short on time. To work the bicep muscle and you are sitting at a desk- of course you are sitting tall and both your feet are on the floor- place your hands under your desk with your elbows tucked into your sides and press upward. Keep your shoulders down and your neck relaxed and you will feel the front of your upper arms engage.

This can also be done if you are in your car stuck in traffic - (again stay safe and do not perform if your car is in motion.) place your hands under your steering wheel with your elbows tucked into your sides and lift upward. Keep your shoulders and neck relax.

Breathe throughout your busy day and you will continue to work your abdominals and feel energized.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

exercise of the day

For today if you are stuck in traffic or at a long traffic light dont become frustrated. Do a few of your deep breaths.
To work your abs- extend your arms out front and place them on your steering wheel. Sit tall and gently press down on the steering wheel. You should feel your abdominals engage. Hold for your 3-5 breaths depending on how long the light is. Do not do these if your car is in motion.

this can also be done if you are stuck behind a desk all day or you are out at a bar waiting to be served. Burning every calorie counts!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hi Melissa

Like many others that do workout there is a tendency to overwork muscles and that is one of the many reasons that individuals become sore. Body positioning has alot to do with your workouts. Again if body positioning is off you may become sore. Are you listening to your body? What I teach on the DVD's is how muscle should feel when you are working out so that you will not become sore. Personally I want to wake up in the morning feeling energized not sore. When you become sore you most likely will not stick with our workouts. Yes the DVD's will help you from becoming sore. What you may feel is the feeling of "oh I forgot I had those muscles" it will be an awareness not soreness.