Friday, October 19, 2007

Research- Does this program work?

I have been asked quite a few times where is my scientific research that this program works. To me with my background research means hospital or clinical studies, statisticians, and lots of money. ( I am a one woman show without any partners or wealthy backers)

The research that I have done was: Before I designed the Isobreathing program--- I took weights and measurements from my clients on day one. Putting them through what I call typical personal training sessions for a few months.( The programs were always designed for the individuals needs) Then retaking measurements and weight. After their first week and then monthly. Results usually came around week 8-12.

I then designed the IsoBreathing program still working with the same clients. I retook their weights and measurements and started them on the IsoBreathing program without pre- coaching them. I just mentioned that I was redesigning their program with something new. I retook measurements after week 1 and 2 and then monthly.

The results are weight loss and inch loss starting with their first week. As with anything if you stick with the program you will continue to lose. The second week there was more weight and inch loss.

This program is designed to teach proper body positioning when performing any exercise. That is why I started with isometric exercises. I wanted to get back to basics. What muscle group are you targeting and is it working without lower back or any discomfort. ALSO-- Think about it--how many times do you catch yourself holding your breath verses breathing with your exercises. I just combined the two.

When I state a 10 minute workout- The exercise portion is 10 minutes after you learn the program. Yes you do need to incorporate your own aerobic activity. The breathing is not an aerobic type of breathing. It is slow deep and rhythmic. I then have you perform the breathing at least 5 more times a day or more not for aerobic activity but to get you in the habit of diaphragmatic breathing with a contraction of the abdominal muscle. There are programs out there that have done scientific research about diaphragmatic breathing with abdominal contractions and the benefits.

Now about the before and after pictures. It was enough that I was able to obtain the pictures that I have. When I spoke to my clients they did not want their pictures taken. Think about those of you that are looking to lose weight. Do you want your picture taken? How many of you hide in the back of group photos so you are hidden? If there are any of you out there that have performed this program and do have before and after pictures I would be proud to display them on the website.

IsoBreathing has now been on the market 4 1/2 years and is sold internationally. This is not a hoax or a fly-by-night program. It is just me with no hype. I am very passionate about what I teach and thrilled when I hear that I have changed someone's life. I am here to help. For those of you that have contacted me I return phone calls and e-mails myself. I don't have a staff speaking in my behalf or sending out the DVD's. I personally pack and ship off each one.

Let me know how I can help you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

abdominals the next level

I had some time this morning so I am adding in another area that we all like to work on. The Abdominals. If you have been doing your breathing that is a good thing. You are working your abdominals. If you have been doing crunches that is also good but it gets boring doing the same thing over and over.

(On a side note please remember that you can not spot reduce. Just doing crunches for the abs will only strengthen the muscle not reduce the overcoat of body fat)

The Plank
You are on the floor for this exercise. Lie flat on the floor. Curl your toes under because you will be up on your toes- for the upper body you will be elevated and resting on your forearms. Make sure that you have your elbows are aligned right under your shoulders. Otherwise you will be placing a lot of strain on your shoulder joints.

Elevate your body - for beginners you will want to have your body straight like a table. For this exercise hold in your abs. This will help protect your lower back. see how long you can hold this position. Go for 3 rounds of 1 minute each round. (you will need to build up to this slowly.)

For advanced movement- while holding the plank position raise your backside up toward the ceiling and then lower into your table position. Do this for 3 rounds of 1 minute each.

As time goes on and this gets easier and then you can perform the walking plank
This is for the next level advanced. (this one is a killer)

Get into your plank position. Instead of having your hands facing forward you will now have your hands face inside.( like you are getting ready to cross your arms across your chest. You will Still have your elbows aligned under your shoulders. You will now place one arm in-front of the other and start to walk forward. Use your feet to help take small steps to move forward. Start with 4 forward moves and then go back the 4 steps. Work up to 3 rounds of 10 walking forward and then 10 walking back to your starting position.

DON'T forget to stretch your abs after this. Lie on your belly and get into your sphinx position. Hold for your 3 breaths.

tightening the underarm(wiggles and jiggles)

You all know the underarm area I am speaking about when you wave goodbye and you stop waving but your underarm continues to wiggle and jiggle. Well here is how to tighten up that area.
Standing tall with your ribcage elevated - your arms are down at your sides. Your palms will face behind you and your finger are facing the floor. Tighten your arms (isometric) and push them back slightly. (dont go further than 2 inches past your hips) At this point try and push your fingers down to reach the floor. You should feel your underarm engage.

Hold this position for as long as you can. relax and tighten again. This can be performed a few times during the day. DON'T forget to stretch. This is where you pat yourself on the back and say good job. Hold that position until the muscle relaxes. Within 2 weeks you will start to see a tightening in that area.

This is to be done with your regular tricep exercises -not instead of.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Do you really want help? I guess I still need some.

I find it very interesting getting on to my space ( which my kids said was a must for networking) and getting into the forums there. I have read many of the forums under health, exercise, weight loss, nutrition and so on. I find it amazing that individuals are asking legit questions but the answers that are given are 90% with extreme distaste, bizare and off the wall.. I was getting frustrated for the individuals asking the questions. Maybe then again I may need to lighten up. I take my profession very seriously but I also like to have fun. If fitness and lifestyle change is not fun don't bother. I am asking for you help because I am passionate about what I do and want to help as many individuals as possible. I thought that forums were the best place to do that. I have also been on additional forums at exercise places, nutrition places and fitness places. There are lots of trainers out there and most are good. Others need to be careful with the information that is received. What avenue would you think would get my messages across to the most amount of individuals that truly want to change.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I am now also located on myspace at:

See you there!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Too busy to exercise try these

We are all busy and think of every excuse under the sun why we don't have time to take care of ourselves. Here are a few hints that may help. In volume 1 you learn to work outer thigh, hamstring curls and leg extensions while standing. I personally keep my band in the bathroom. While I am brushing my teeth (the electric toothbrush is timed for 2 minutes) I place my band on my ankles and work those three muscle groups. I do use full range of motion BUT... I still keep perfected body positioning which is extremely important. I will complete a slow 10 repetitions for each leg for each exercise. By the time I am finished my legs do feel like they have gotten a good workout and those three exercises I do not have to think of them again. Then you can incorporate the other exercises that I have written up while you are in the car to start working your upper body.
What most individuals do not realize is that you can break up your workout during the day. It is what did you accomplish by the end of the day.

Friday, August 10, 2007

exercise of the Day Friday

Here is another exercise to help you when you are short on time. To work the bicep muscle and you are sitting at a desk- of course you are sitting tall and both your feet are on the floor- place your hands under your desk with your elbows tucked into your sides and press upward. Keep your shoulders down and your neck relaxed and you will feel the front of your upper arms engage.

This can also be done if you are in your car stuck in traffic - (again stay safe and do not perform if your car is in motion.) place your hands under your steering wheel with your elbows tucked into your sides and lift upward. Keep your shoulders and neck relax.

Breathe throughout your busy day and you will continue to work your abdominals and feel energized.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

exercise of the day

For today if you are stuck in traffic or at a long traffic light dont become frustrated. Do a few of your deep breaths.
To work your abs- extend your arms out front and place them on your steering wheel. Sit tall and gently press down on the steering wheel. You should feel your abdominals engage. Hold for your 3-5 breaths depending on how long the light is. Do not do these if your car is in motion.

this can also be done if you are stuck behind a desk all day or you are out at a bar waiting to be served. Burning every calorie counts!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hi Melissa

Like many others that do workout there is a tendency to overwork muscles and that is one of the many reasons that individuals become sore. Body positioning has alot to do with your workouts. Again if body positioning is off you may become sore. Are you listening to your body? What I teach on the DVD's is how muscle should feel when you are working out so that you will not become sore. Personally I want to wake up in the morning feeling energized not sore. When you become sore you most likely will not stick with our workouts. Yes the DVD's will help you from becoming sore. What you may feel is the feeling of "oh I forgot I had those muscles" it will be an awareness not soreness.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

what I am looking for

I am looking for individuals that have tried the isobreathing method to let others know how they are doing. Dont hesitate to also add in comments on how you are feeling. Some of the comments I have received are I am feeling healthier, I now have more range of motion. I can go up stairs easier now.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I just wanted to welcome everyone to this site. I am very interested in your comments BECAUSE I need to learn from all of you. What have you learned from this program- What do you like- What are you confused about. I take all this info and it helps me for the next series of DVD's that I will be producing. I also love to know how you are doing with your results. Are you obtaining them? What can I do to help you out?