Monday, April 28, 2008

It has been awhile

Like everyone else it has been awhile since I entered anything. Working 2 jobs takes it toll. I am back and hope to post as least once a week.

The weather is getting warmer and this is the time of year for gardening and wanting to be outside. In Mays newsletter I talk about a hand full of stretches for gardeners. (so dont forget to sign up for the free newsletter)

Try and get some walking in this month. If you dont already have a pedometer I suggest getting one. They are inexpensive and come in real handy to see how much movement you are really getting in. The next blog will be about your 10,000 steps and how to achieve them. For now just keep on moving.

I received an e-mail from and individual who has a walking partner and is frustrated because her partner walks too slow. I told her to do what I did. Get your walk in first and then join her and consider that your cool down. this happened to me and a very good friend. I did enjoy our walks together but I needed more. Remember as a female you have that tendency to be a care giver BUT... you come first. You have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of everyone else.

You can challenge your friend to walk faster but in this case this individual told me that she didnt want to walk faster.

As far as time goes- time is very precious to everyone. If you have only 10 minutes use those 10 minutes for your faster walk then meet up with your friend. If you dont have the time then choose 1-2 days per week for you to walk by yourself. Have come fun music to get you moving and use the other days to walk with your friend.

If you are looking to lose weight then you need to change up your walking routine to a faster pace. The other alternative is to walk fast for 30 seconds and then take Three minutes at your regular pace. Then go back to 30 seconds at the faster pace. see if you can do that through out your walk( If you just walk faster your shins will become sore) take it slowly and and soon enough your will be able to add an additional 15 seconds of faster walking every time you walk.

Over time your entire walk will be faster paced. BE CAREFUL... I always see individuals over striding which takes its toll on your lower back and knees. Start with your normal stride and as you pick up your pace your step stride should be shortened not lengthened. Your hips should be swaying side to side. Your arms should be relaxed by your sides but slightly bent at your elbows. Your body will automatically have your arms slightly swinging.

If you hold on to hand weights make sure that the weights are very light. I have seen and heard of lots of shoulder and neck problems from using heavier weights and trying to speed walk.

Well get your sneakers on and start moving if you dont already do so and if you already walk well... keep on moving.
Till next time

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